Our Motto
"Preserving Our Past . . . Enriching Our Future"

Useful Links
Italian Embassy-Ambasciata D'Italia
City of Ottawa
Villa Marconi
Associazione Molisani di Ottawa
Distinguished Women Ottawa
Femmes Remarquables Ottawa
Dante Ottawa
Italian language media in Canada
Accenti Magazine
Il Cittadino Canadese
Columbus Centre Virtual Exhibit
Patronato Ital-uil
We the Italians (Happy story...please read)
Canadian Writers Abroad
Interview with Licia Canton
Informazione dalla Società Dante Alighieri
Interview with 9Colonne Periodical (Italiano)
Are you in this picture? (find out)
Compassionate Ottawa
Italian-Canadian Historical Centre
Do you have family photographs you are willing to share?
Do you have memorabilia and or stories
you would like to share?
If so contact the:
Italian-Canadian Historical Centre
Recognition of Territory
Honouring the Algonquin Anishinabe Nation,
First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples
Ottawa is built on un-ceded Algonquin Anishinabe
territory. The peoples of the Algonquin Anishinabe Nation
have lived on this territory for millennia. Their culture and presence have nurtured and continue to nurture this land.
The City of Ottawa honours the peoples and land of
the Algonquin Anishinabe Nation. The City of Ottawa
honours all First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and
their valuable past and present contributions to this land.
City of Ottawa
...Una partita a BOCCE!
NCIC 50th Anniversary Celebrations
The centerpiece of the 50th anniversary
festivities of the National Congress of Italian-Canadians is the “Italian Journey Across Canada”
A breathtaking train odyssey that symbolizes the vibrant tapestry of Italian culture woven into the Canadian landscape. Starting in Vancouver, this unprecedented adventure will wind its way across the country, stopping at iconic locations to celebrate the contributions of Italian-Canadians.
NCIC 50th Journey Across Canada
Il viaggio Italiano --TUTTI INSIEME
For Past Events go to the
To be eligible to vote
Visit the MEMBERSHIP area
The National Congress of Italian-Canadians (National Capital District)
is proud to be a Collaborator in
A national network and registered charity.
Securing the Italian-Canadian contribution to Canada's narrative past and present.

An older article but plays into what the NCIC does re: lobbying
Please read article
How to obtain Italian citizenship

Freccie tricolore exhibit

From Left to Right:
Honourable Michael Tibollo(Toronto-Past President, NCIC), Pino Buffone(Ottawa), Maria Assunta Cuffaro(Ottawa), Nancy Spina (Halifax), Silvana Tibollo (Toronto),
Carla Minoli Lappa (Ottawa), Mario Cinel (Ottawa), Bruno Giammaria (Ottawa),
Trina Costantini-Powell (Ottawa), Senator Tony Lofredda, Roberto Colavecchio (National President, Montreal), Signora Maria Grazia Mattarella, Ambasciatore Andrea Ferrari, Embassy of Italy, Maria Marano (British Columbia), Luciano Bentenuto, Lorenzo Bonera, Clara Zanini, Nino Colavecchio (Past President, NCIC), Paolo Siraco, Dario Zanini
NCIC Special Meeting
Group Photo, June 2022
From Montreal to Cremona
Canadian violin maker makes his mark in
the Italian town where the
instrument was invented
Please read...
"Bernard Neumann is considered one of the world's top
violin makers and restorers"
The new Ambassador of Italy to Canada.
meet Ambassador Andrea Ferrari
Greetings from Italian Ambassador
Andrea Ferrari on the occasion of
Italy's National Day
Vespa Tour of St. Anthony's Procession route in Little Italy
View the Video Tour
Official Apology for the internment
of Italian-Canadians during
the Second World War

Attached is the link to the June 23 presentation. For those of you who attended virtually last Wednesday, thank you. Hopefully, when cultural activities resume at the Italian Canadian Historical Centre, we can have a discussion on
The History of Ottawa's Italian community. There is a lot more material to share.
Thank you.
Happy Canada Day!
"Internment apology statements"
Internment statement with 11MP
Trudeau statement on apology
Trina Costantini-Powell
Recent interview with Cittadino Canadese
Please Read...on Page 7
Today the Editor of La Voce magazine came to Ottawa accompanied
by Senator Tony Loffreda to meet with myself as President of CIBPA Ottawa, the President of the Marconi Centre Pat Santini, The President of the National Congress Of Italian Canadians, Trina Costantini-Powell, The co-Founders of Preston Hardware, Mario Giannetti and Mario Fragione as well as the President of Central Precast, John Mion. During an intimate ceremony held at the Marconi Centre we were hosted by Giuseppe Ranieri Director General at the Marconi Centre with a lunch prepared by none other than Chef Rocco Vizzari, Followed by a visit
of the Italian Canadian Cultural Centre.
During this occasion both Mr. Mion and myself were honoured to receive a plaque commemorating our participation in the cover issues of "La Voce". In addition, authentic certified replicates of a Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings were offered to us , including Preston Hardware and Pat Santini. It was a privilege to remit my copy to my colleague Trina Costantini-Powell so it could be showcased in
the Italian Canadian Cultural Centre.
Embassy of Italy in Canada CIBPA Ottawa CIBPA Montreal CIBPA Toronto
CIBPA Hamilton-Halton CIBPA of Niagara CIBPA Windsor John Mion
Trina Costantini-Powell The National Congress of Italian-Canadians (Quebec Region)
Lavoce.info Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada Senator Tony Loffreda - CPA #canada #history #award #award #founders #chef #charity

Una mostra online per commemorare l’80esimo anniversario dell’internamento degli italo-canadesi
Video-courtesy OMNI News
Floral Tribute Messa dei Caduti, St.Anthony's Church - November15-2020
The National Congress of Italian-Canadians(National Capital District) respectfully acknowledges that our
Italian Canadian Historical Centre, in Ottawa, is located on the unceded, unsurrendered ancestral and traditional Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial.
Trina Costantini-Powell
President, National Congress of Italian Canadians(National Capital District)
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright holder. In accordance with the objects of the National Congress of Italian-Canadians (National Capital District), we are making such material available without profit for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes fair dealing as provided under section 29 of the Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42.
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond fair dealing, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder.