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"La Befana"

Seconda Edizione-Second Edition 2021

The NCIC (NCD) have organized a contest on the theme of "LaBefana” an elderly lady who, on the day of the Epiphany (January 6), brought gifts to the good boys and girls and coal to those who were naughty.

The contest was open to all children, ages 4 to 12. Contestants were asked either to write a 100 - 150-word essay or short story in the language of their choice or, to record a video recounting a story on some aspect of the "Befana".  

Bruna Di Giuseppe-Bertoni, a Toronto author, has recently published a book on the Befana entitled, "A Day in the Life of the Befana" Bruna has graciously offered copies of her book as prizes to the successful contestants.



to the contestants, their families and the Executive of the National Congress of Italian-Canadians (National Capital District).

It was a fun experience!



Trina Costantini-Powell

President, National Congress of Italian Canadians(National Capital District)

1026 Baseline Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2C0A6

613-526-4315   613-816-4315

Email address :

La Befana contestants:
Sophia Bogdanov-11 years old- Word Search (English and Italian version)

Giovanni Bogdanov-4 years old (La Befana Drawing)

Antonio Falsetto-5 years old (Video) Play on this page

Gloria Falsetto-3 years old

Mattia Duini - 7 years old (Video) Play on this page

Nicholas Franchi - 5 years old (Three Kings)

Olivia Franchi-9 years old  (Crossword)

Dora Ferraro-4 years old

2021 Antonio & Gloria Falsetto VIDEO
(La BEFANA Virtual Contest)

2021 Mattia Duini VIDEO
(La BEFANA Virtual Contest)

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