Our Motto
"Preserving Our Past . . . Enriching Our Future"

Summer/Fall edition
October 2021
Cari Amici, Dear Friends,

Che Caldo! That was one hot summer, especially those last few weeks of August. Now it is harvest and wine making time. But let us hearken back to July 11 when gli Azzurri won the Euro Cup and our Corso Italia found itself in a wonderful celebratory mood. Bravo!
A little bit of news on the National Congress of Italian-Canadians (National Capital District) front. As President of our local chapter, I was kept busy with the apology by the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau and the Federal Government, on May 27th, to Italian Canadians who were interned during World War Two. Executive Members of the three major organizations (NCIC, CIBPA and The Order of the Sons and Daughters of Italy) sat as part of a cross country committee. These three organizations have worked tirelessly over the last 30 plus years on the Internment Issue and Apology- check out our website https://www.ncicottawa.com for a video of the apology and additional material that so vividly tells the story of this dark chapter in Canadian history. A recent screening, on September 15th and September 22nd, by the Società Dante Alighieri and the NCIC of “Il Duce Canadese”, a CBC and Radio-Canada joint venture (2004) is a very solid portrayal of the Alvaro family as to how they survived through the internment. It is our hope that once we can return to the Italian Canadian Historical Centre for live events that we will screen this series again. Its Executive Producer Claudio Luca has indicated that he would like to be present for a full discussion following the screening. There will be more to come in this regard as information from the National Congress of Italian Canadians, both at the national and regional levels works with the federal government for support to create educational awareness on this topic. The NCIC (Ottawa chapter) was able to obtain from the Department of Canadian Heritage an allotment of commemorative pins and many have been sent out to family members of those individuals who were interned. It was my honour and privilege to meet and connect with so many families across the country. As a granddaughter of an internee, a special bond has been established with many of these men and women whose stories about the internment are all so like mine. A pin will be archived and on display at the Centro Storico.
June brought us Italian Heritage Month and there were many virtual activities presented. I shared with you a feature done by Kelowna B.C.’s Italian Club: this film dealt with Kelowna’s First Families. These short vignettes were very special and had that special thread that winds together to tell a story that is so familiar to all of us. The Congress was asked and honoured to present, on June 23rd, as part of the Bytown Museum’s virtual programming “The History of Ottawa’s Italian Community.” This was Part 1, and it is our hope that Part 2 will be presented sometime next year. I thank many individuals, as well as local historical societies and community associations (Glebe Historical Society and the Lowertown Community Association to name two) for sharing some of their treasured photos they had in their archives.
The NCIC has agreed to preserve the legacy of Cavaliere Giovanna Panico and Parolissima and will be, after some consultation, presenting our plan to the community. There is more on this in this newsletter. Feedback from the community and those on our mailing list is very informative as it gives us an idea as to the types of events you would like to see. Please let us know if you think a survey would be a good idea.
October brings us a chance to have a Zoom book presentation. Italy Through the Rear View Mirror, written by Susan J. Bocock . Susan has a local connection but currently lives in Alberta. Once a date has been confirmed, you will all be the first to know.
October also brings forward the advertisement for the 2021-2022 Giovanni Caboto Scholarship Awards as well as the Giovanna Panico Memorial Bursary. There will be more information on this annual event over the next couple of weeks. These scholarships are managed by the National Congress of Italian Canadians Foundation Inc. in conjunction with both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa.
As well, contained in this newsletter, is the most current policy with respect to the Italian Canadian Historical Centre. This note outlines a continuation of our COVID protocol, respecting all current Ontario regulations. We hope that we can return to some live events soon but like so many others, virtual is the way we must continue at this present time.
Memberships to the NCIC are available year-round for a cost of $10.00 for two years. We thank those that took out memberships last spring leading up to our April 2021 Annual General Meeting. It is our plan to host our 2022 AGM sometime next spring and to have it coincide with the election of our Executive. Memberships can be purchased by completing the most current application form found on our website. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or by e-transfer to: ottawancic@gmail.com. For further information, do not hesitate to contact any member on our Executive.
On behalf of the Executive, I would like to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! May you share a lovely time with your families!
Trina Costantini-Powell
President, NCIC (National Capital District)
"Che Caldo!" from the President
NCIC Mandatory Vaccine
Internment Apology Commemorative Pins
Michele Rispoli, article
Parolissima letter
Book on Italy
Pat Adamo
Bytown Museum Virtual Presentation
Troia/Enemy Alien
Italian language Class
Our Executive & Board Directors
E-mail: ottawancic@gmail.com
web: www.ncicottawa.com

NCIC (NCD) COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy
Effective September 22, 2021
The NCIC is committed to providing a safe environment for our visitors, staff, and the general public. During the pandemic the Italian Canadian Historical Centre has been temporarily closed. By implementing comprehensive safety protocols, including this vaccination policy, we look forward to reopening the Centro Storico to the public when it is safe to do so.
Given the recent surge of COVID-19 infection rates driven by the Delta variant, the Government of Ontario, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, announced that effective September 22, 2021, access to certain indoor public settings will require proof of vaccination. This vaccination policy is part of the NCIC and its comprehensive COVID-19 safety plan, which includes masking, social distancing, and screening.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Trina Costantini-Powell at ottawancic@gmail.com
We thank you for your continued support as we all do our part to protect our families, colleagues and the community at large. Please stay safe and well.
Trina Costantini-Powell
National Congress of Italian-Canadians (National Capital District)

The Bold Footprints of Michele Rispoli
By Tony Battista with Mariella (Rispoli) Di Bello
* * *
Passi della vita di Michele Rispoli - A young Italian immigrant to Canada and his business dream!
Dear Members and Friends,
In spite of the trying times we are enduring, the NCIC is making every effort to remain true to its mandate and to seize every opportunity in order to encourage and promote Italian traditions, culture and language.
As you may be aware, a number of years ago Professor Giovanna Panico spearheaded a Committee to create, Parolissima, an activity for the children in the Community in the hopes of furthering their interest and passion for their Italian heritage.
After Giovanna's passing in 2018, the activity was held for one more year and then was discontinued.
After much consideration and discussion with former members of the Parolissima Committee, my Executive agreed to preserve this wonderful legacy, and assume its operation.
We will update the Community on its organization as soon as details are available. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Anche durante questi momenti difficili, il NCIC sta facendo il possibile per rimanere fedele al suo mandato e cogliere ogni opportunità per promuovere le tradizioni, la cultura e la lingua italiana.
Come forse sapete, alcuni anni fa La dottoressa Giovanna Panico aveva stabilito il comitato direttivo per realizzare Parolissima, un'attività per i bambini della nostra Comunità nella speranza di promuovere il loro interesse e la loro passione in quanto riguarda la loro cultura italiana. Qualche anno dopo la mancanza della Giovanna nel 2018, questa attivita' divenne inattiva.
Dopo molta riflessione e comunicazione con gli ex membri del Comitato di Parolissima, il mio esecutivo ha accettato di assumere la gestione di questa meravigliosa attivita'.
Una volta che i dettagli sono finalizzati, aggiorneremo la Comunità riguardo l'organizzazione dell'attivita'. Se avete domande o commenti, non esitate a contattarmi.
Cordiali saluti,
Trina Costantini-Powell
President, National Congress of Italian-Canadians (National Capital District)
1026 Baseline Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2C0A6
613-526-4315 613-816-4315
Email address : ottawancic@gmail.com
Visit our website at :https://www.ncicottawa.com


“Coming Soon- Stay tuned!”

This vintage cash register,
owned by Cavaliere Pasqualina (Pat) Adamo,
was recently acquired by
the Italian Canadian Historical Centre.
This cash register, in working order, dates back to 1915 and was used in the Guzzo and Adamo Grocery Store, located from 1912-1977, at 362 Preston Street.
This is now the current home of Giovanni's Ristorante. Guzzo and Adamo was the first Italian grocery store on Preston Street. Thank you Pat for your kind donation.

Bytown Museum Virtual Presentation
View Presentation

Troia/Enemy Alien by Christine Iannetta. This is a 4 minute excerpt taken from a play by Christina Iannetta about the effect of the Internment on her grandfather and grandmother Michele and Antonia Troia.
Italian Language Classes
Ciao Ragazzi!!!
Anyone looking to learn and speak Italian? Do you want to travel to Italy and would like to improve your language and communication skills? Grow your confidence!
The Ottawa Catholic School Board (OSCB) is offering Italian classes once again every Saturday from 9:00am to 12:30pm , levels range from Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. ADULTS and DAYTIME STUDENTS are all welcome to join.
A 10$ consumable fee is requested at registration. There is NO OTHER CHARGE! It is basically FREE! Come and join the fun! Read, Write, Speak, and Play!
Sign up at http://conted.ocsb.ca/youth-programs/youth-il
Registrations are open. Registrations close on September 25, 2021. So sign up Fast!
All courses will be offered online via Google Classroom and via Google Meets.
Ci vediamo!
Our Executive:
● Trina Costantini-Powell President
● Michael Aquilino Vice-President
● Carla Minoli-Lappa Vice-President
● Grace Disipio Secretary
● Anna Gaudio Treasurer
● Enza Baiamonte, Enzo Bertorelli, Lorenzo Bonera
● Bruno Giammaria, Antonio Cellucci, Dr.Maria Assunta Cuffaro
● Mario Cinel, Tony Cuffaro, Corrado Nicastro
● Josephine Palumbo Past-President
E-mail: ottawancic@gmail.com
On the web: www.ncicottawa.com